Making lace - the bookmark
Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on the sewing machine! I decided to go with the Janome based on the volume of positive feedback, and also because it's within budget. I'm so excited about getting this machine but have to wait a few weeks till my birthday ('twill be a family birthday/christmas present, awwwh).
I'm so keen to do some sewing with my weekends and have made a mental list of projects. But in the meantime I'm settling with lace. I'm still in two minds about lace. I find it hard to get motivated to go to class but once I'm there I have a great time and once I have a project started it is SOOO addictive. I also find it's great for ambidexterity, curiously enough.
Teegs and I have each started making a lace bookmark and I finished mine today. Here's some progress shots and the finished result (and yes I do spend a lot of time on my couch - it's welcome sit-down time after days at work standing whilst printing, mixing inks, washing up, packing orders etc etc etc).
The lace design is based on a dot pattern with pin holes. And lots of bobbins.
You 'cross' and 'twist' pairs of bobbins in particular combinations to make the various patterns in the of lace - kind of like weaving?
Finished bookmark!
...being put to good use!
If anyone local is interested in classes email me and I can give you the details! Classes are held at the Ashburton Community Centre.
It is just lovely! I wish I lived in Melbourne....
Wow, that looks so intricately hard!! I'm amazed at your new skills!!
Your new bookmark is both amazing and beautiful!
I am so impressed, Lara, it is just beautiful. Glad you made a decision on your sewing machine.
oooh this brings back childhood memories ! We used to do this in primary school and I used to love how the bobbins hang off and the foam round thing was perfect for tapping on....ahh to be 11 again!
Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.
It's all perfect !
Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....
I came across some old ladies (very old) lace-making at a craft fair held in the main library in town and was mesmerized by their skill and how intricately beautiful lace-making is. I came home and found myself looking up local classes and was about to sign up for one when I realised I was already overloaded with things I do in life and I didn't need any more obsessions. It's an ambition of mine to learn one day though. Your bookmark is gorgeous and very impressive. P x x x
This does look like the hardest craft ever. I would never have the patience for it but kudos to you because the results are outstanding!
Oh my! Is that how one makes lace??! I had no idea. Thank you for the demonstration!
I'm totally fascinated with that lace. It looks gorgeous.
I love anything intricate and tedious that requires a loooong attention span.
~Only child syndrome I guess!! ;)
Beautiful lace lara, it must be so satisfying to finish something that requires such concentration and time !
i love process photos - fascinating and kind of mind boggling!
Bloody hell, that looks so fiddly! You must be a very patient person! Love it though - am in awe.
oh my, lara! how nice! i can only imagine how your eyes are after a session of sitting there! btw, blogged about the lovely fabric remnant you gave me back in march! thanks so much again, it is going to have a great home as a bolster pillow!
this is so lovely I wish i lived close enough for a class!!
thats gorgeous! would love to make something lace one day!!
woaouh it's so beautiful! I would like to know the methode: do you know a good book for learning?
I'm sorry, my english is really bad!!
still "bravo"!!!!
Even the work in progress looks beautiful!
stunning! i've only ever knit lace - this looks - complicated? and impressively beautiful!
wow this is awesome!
i wish i were in melbourne to take your classes for this.
Wow. That looks like a lot of work...and a lot of patience. It is stunning!
I love it!!! how can i learn to do that??? it's beautiful!!
One word... AMAZING!
I saw a woman doing this recently at the state fair, and I was just mesmerized! Good on you for giving it a go. I don't have the patience!
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