Wow. What an absolutely spectacular day. I'm a little bit shell-shocked to be honest. I've never been one to imagine that I would put so much into one single day, and for the most part I've felt pretty relaxed about it all... but when you consider just how much time and combined effort and energy went in to the lead up to this event, it makes sense that right now I just feel emotionally & physically spent. But it was so, so worth it.
To do the day justice I'm going to wait till the photos come through from the ever talented and lovely Kate Berry, all we have for now is the teaser above :) In the meantime however, here are some pics of just some of the work that went into making this very special day happen. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such talented people who generously contributed their time and talents to make the day what it was...
Papercut gumleaves
It all started with this papercut pattern - a strip of gumleaves that I designed and papercut on my cutting machine (bought pretty much for this purpose but justified as a work expense because it also cuts signage!). This pattern formed the basis for the invites, decorations and even the cake...
Cones for rose petals, ready to be filled
Gumleaf design cut out of icing (!!) and placed around a cake made by Nikkishell and her secret pastry chef talents!
The next epic task was the bridesmaids' dresses. Because I was a bit fixated on some sort of mint/teal/aqua kind of colour scheme, and because there was nothing decent to speak of in these colours on the rack, Teegs bravely put her hand up for the task. A task that became more epic than either of us imagined, with the chosen pattern involving two layers of silk and one layer of chiffon. And if you've ever sewn with silk... well then I don't need to go on. Let me just say that woman has talent and endurance in equal measure.
Teegs cutting out pattern pieces...
Epic hemming...
The lovely Phoebe joined us for the last two days to help with some hand stitching
Of course we needed some silk ties to match for the groomsmen - I made these and astounded myself with the fact that they actually turned out looking like real ties!
A little leftover of the silk was printed in our Leuca design...
...and made into 100 bomboniere filled with blue sugared almonds!
Continuing the theme of multi talented studio buddies (also wait till you see the rings made by Abby Seymour!) here's a sneak peek of some of the floral work put together by the exceptionally talented Brianna Read, who should most definitely quit her day job...
Corsages and boutonniere by Brianna Read
I can't wait to show you more photos. It was a day I'm going to treasure in my memory for years to come...