Tonight (and for the next 7 nights or so) I'll be sleeping at home on my own whilst the man I love sleeps in a luxury $800 a night twin share down the road.
Not quite.
Before I met Dave I didn't really know anything about Crohn's Disease, but for the last few months barely a day has passed in which it hasn't been the main topic of conversation. You see Dave's Crohn's is particularly severe, and if you know anything about Crohn's you know that it's an unpredictable beast, affecting different individuals in different ways with no sure fire answers as to how to best treat it. The last year or so has seen a steady decline in his health; in short he's had a pretty shit time of it (pun most definitely intended).

Dave doing his thing - To & Fro, Sunday nights on 3RRR
We've done a lot of research, oh have we done research - endless scrolling and turning of pages, seeking advice from all sorts of traditional and non-traditional practicioners - and although we've gained so much wisdom (hence my particular interest in food/diet at the moment), unfortunately as things stand right now the only way forward is surgery. Tomorrow morning a specialist surgeon is going to cut him open right down the middle and remove a section of his small intestine that's become so scarred and strictured barely any food is able to get through.
We're both pretty upset that it's come to this point, especially since this will be the third time Dave has been through this over the last 14 years. But, we're both feeling confident that with some positive dietary changes we can master this beast. That's all we can do right now; have optimism for the future and try to be as proactive as possible.
As I like to say from time to time: 'I love you to bits, but I hate ya guts' (and I'd really much prefer to keep him all in one piece).
I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that tomorrow all goes smoothly.
Not quite.
Before I met Dave I didn't really know anything about Crohn's Disease, but for the last few months barely a day has passed in which it hasn't been the main topic of conversation. You see Dave's Crohn's is particularly severe, and if you know anything about Crohn's you know that it's an unpredictable beast, affecting different individuals in different ways with no sure fire answers as to how to best treat it. The last year or so has seen a steady decline in his health; in short he's had a pretty shit time of it (pun most definitely intended).
Dave doing his thing - To & Fro, Sunday nights on 3RRR
We've done a lot of research, oh have we done research - endless scrolling and turning of pages, seeking advice from all sorts of traditional and non-traditional practicioners - and although we've gained so much wisdom (hence my particular interest in food/diet at the moment), unfortunately as things stand right now the only way forward is surgery. Tomorrow morning a specialist surgeon is going to cut him open right down the middle and remove a section of his small intestine that's become so scarred and strictured barely any food is able to get through.
We're both pretty upset that it's come to this point, especially since this will be the third time Dave has been through this over the last 14 years. But, we're both feeling confident that with some positive dietary changes we can master this beast. That's all we can do right now; have optimism for the future and try to be as proactive as possible.
As I like to say from time to time: 'I love you to bits, but I hate ya guts' (and I'd really much prefer to keep him all in one piece).
I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that tomorrow all goes smoothly.
I'm sorry to hear that. I had no idea parts of the intestine were removed as a result of Crohns. That must be incredibly painful, to say the least. All the best to Dave for a text book op and speedy recovery.
Oh Lara. Yes I know how you feel. My husband has colitis and he too was close to having surgery about 10 years ago but after 6 months in France to study and a drastic change in diet (basically nothing spicy - which he loves) he luckily can now control it with limited medication. We are still very grateful. My best wishes to you both. Kerry
One of our close friends also has severe Crohns and had the same operation last year. He has also had it a few times before. After surgery he felt so much better, and tells us it feels like a re-boot to his system. I hope Dave has a speedy recovery.
Chronic ailments are just rotten, especially in one so young. Sending you both (the patient and the caregiver) best wishes for a speedy and full recovery,
Oh Lara, sorry to hear you guys are suffering. All the best with the surgery. Hope all goes well!
Lara, my cousin has this, and had surgery last year with a good recovery. Hope everything goes well for Dave.
Good luck lovely people. I hope the surgery is a circuit breaker for everything that comes with chronic illness. Keep loving each other - that's the best aid to healing there is.
flying out the door... but look at the GAPS protocol by Natasha Campbell McBride if you haven't already about healing the gut. Also have you cut out ALL sugar, including fruit? that could help? Blessings xx
Sending lots of good vibes and hugs to you both.
Reading you from France since two years... I am very sorry... My gastroenterology doctor diagnosed me a chron last year, but it is not very serious at the moment. They didn't tell me I had to change my alimentation. I hope your husband will have a good recovery and less trouble.
Sorry to hear that - there's a hell of a lot more people affected by crohn's and ulcerative colitis than most people realize - it doesn't get a lot of coverage, the symptoms not exactly being the most glamorous. I've got UC, and diet has helped me a lot - specifically the specific carbohydrate diet (which I'm sure you've heard of), but it doesn't seem to work for everyone. Oddly enough antibiotics also helped me during a flare - pulsed doses of minocycline. Unfortunately I've now developed an inflammatory arthritis, which is in my knees, a foot, and parts of my hands - it makes walking difficult. Apparently 20% of people with UC or Crohn's develop arthritis - these diseases are indeed crap :( I hope your man has a speedy recovery...
All the best for the op. I hope he heals fast and feels better.
Our friend has intense Crohns and had some sort of worm sent over from germany which lives in her body. Somehow it works for her... pretty strange though.
Take care
Oh Lara, I am sorry to hear this. I will be praying for Dave and for you. So good that he has you by his side through this - love makes a big difference. Stress isn't good for CD, but am sure love is.
I understand how difficult this is. My brother has had CD for about 20 years - his is in the small bowel too, and he has strictures.
He's just started seeing a new specialist who counts among her specialities, diet. This is heartening, as many doctors aren't interested in diet, as if it makes no difference. But my bro' isn't much into eating for health, just avoiding the things that hurt. So, I applaud you for joining Dave on his journey with good eating.
Thinking of you.
Jenny (just a reader) x
I really hope everything goes well for Dave - fingers and toes crossed that this is the last time he has to go through this.
My friend has been through this but it took 6 long years of alternate therapies and 20kg weight loss (down to 55kg) before he ended up getting all of his small intestine removed. After a very long recovery he is SO much better now but he still has to watch his diet. A small price to pay.
My husband has been dealing with a severe case of Crohns, as well (and for a long time, since jr. high). It's been a rough road. I hope your fellow is on the mend soon!
Thank you everyone for the really lovely comments and suggestions! Dave's surgery was a lengthy 4 hours but it all seems to have gone well. I'm looking forward to having him home, hopefully tomorrow! xx
How terrible. I hope he is healing well. There's some quite remarkable stories told by crohns sufferers on YouTube and the web, specifically speaking about how a raw vegan diet made their symptoms go away or reduce remarkably. Not selling you a cure, but worth researching if you have not already.
I'll add that my man has diverticular disease, another angry intestine condition and this diet worked for him. Went from taking at least one day a week off work in agony (when he was at his worst), to symptoms 100% gone. He started with green smoothies only ( lots of banana apples kale spinach berries pears) really well blended, then after about a week, gently gently added solid raw food. It's been unbelievably successful and now I tell people suffering digestion/intestinal issues about it. Even just in case they consider it.
Very best wishes for a speedy recovery and long term success. Cilla rule
Will check back for the update ... sending positive healing thoughts
Really pleased to read your comment Lara that the op had gone well for Dave.
I know how stressful these times are, and its good to come out the other side and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Oh no :( hope everything went ok. Yep, we really do take health for granted when we're healthy don't we? Sending positive vibes your way.
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