The show is over, and although I'm exhausted and relieved I definitely miss all the excitement and community-ness of it all.
I'm a little bit attached to my little show tokens, shown above. The scarf was made by one of the lovely ladies at
Audrey & Maud (Louise, I think??) and I received it in the bloggers dinner swap. Couldn't have picked a more perfect gift for me - I'm often cold, and it is so soft and warm.
The Oobee is named Phoebee, and if you're one of the 3 people in the world who haven't seen one before, they're by the lovely Leslie of
Onegirl who I finally got to meet in person after many years of stalking each others' blogs. I've spent so long coveting these little fellows and it finally occured to me that why don't I just go buy one for myself?! And then Leslie suggested a trade - even better!
It's back to normal life - sort of. We have a backlog of printing to do, and an
exhibition to prepare for (starts tomorrow night!!). But after that, I'm looking forward to a much needed haircut and a massage.