It's definitely been good distraction going through the whole 'settling in' phase and setting up my new place. I'm feeling super lucky to have found myself a cute little flat with lots of natural light, and have kept myself busy making it into the home I've always wanted. I've never lived on my own before, so there's all those things I've always dreamt about doing that I can finally do. Needless to say the place looks pretty girly :)
I'll take some more pictures soon once I've done a bit more decorating, but meanwhile I'll show you some pics of my new windowsill garden!
Little herby seedlings growing on my windowsill (yes that is rain! OMG)
I got super excited last weekend when I stumbled across Box My Garden at the Flemington market last weekend. Ray and Marge are the very lovely owners and their speciality is garden boxes of all sizes which they make themselves in Geelong! I fell in love with their little window box sized ones and promtly ordered two. They are gorgeous!
Australian Cypress window box by Box My Garden - oregano and rosemary (will they fight?)
Australian Cypress window box by Box My Garden - mmmm parsley
And I couldn't write a post about plants without mentioning the little tomato plant that Lou dug up from her garden! She said she has seedlings popping up all over the place so Teegs, Bee and I each got a tomato plant (mystery variety) and some basil. Thanks Lou!
Little mystery tomato plant from Lou