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Haha oops the title of this post was supposed to say "caramel and butter colourway". My brain isn't working on this chilly Monday morning, and I'm not much in the mood for work at all. I don't often feel uninspired to work... but last week was a real doozie (what does that word mean anyway?) and I'm feeling completely spent.
Some cool stuff - becky the lady I mentioned in my last post send through these pics of some very cute clutch bags she made with the Riverstones and Flowing Dots fabric, which are for sale in her shop:
And here are some samples of the caramel and butter colourway that Becky custom ordered, which will also be available in my shop in a little while:
Wow, thank you all for the amazing, speedy response to the latest batch of fabric! Most of it has sold out already but there's a bit of the rust coloured geese on mushroom fabric left. I struggled to take good photos of my fabric this time, the waning winterly light wasn't being my friend that afternoon. So, I tried again this morning and got some much better shots of the darker fabric:

In other news, there some more designs coming! Thanks to a custom order arrangement with a lovely lady called Becky who makes custom handbags, I will be selling a little bit of the following designs in a couple of weeks. There will be the colourway show below, and another called Caramel on Butter. Mmm sounds delicious and fattening :)
Raindrops and Poppies - Rusty Red on Blue
Thanks again for all the lovely support and comments. When things get a little less hectic over here I'll try to respond to more of them, but they're all very much appreciated :)
Just a quick note to let you know that there'll be a shop update tomorrow morning (Tuesday 22nd) at 9:00am Melbourne time :) To find out what this equates to in your time zone, simply visit this page and choose your location from the bottom list :)
Note that if you're in the States and most other places this will be Monday for you, not Tuesday!
I hope this doesn't come across as being self congratulatory or anything, but I just had to post about some of the gorgeous things the ladies out there have been making with my fabric. It is soooo great to see the things people have come up with, especially because I would never have thought to make them myself. It is so much more fun to just supply the materials and leave it up to the real crafty talent to do the rest :)
From top left to bottom right:
1. Sylvia Handbag by Justinamaria (sold, but perhaps she'll make more!)
2. des petits sacs en feutre (small felt bags) by Olivelse
3. Tweet Tweet Pillow by Tuttifruti
4. Marta Quilted Clutch Purse by Justinamaria
5. Bears by Kristen Doran
6. Wristlet in Riverstones by Allysonhill
Ooh, it's so much fun to be on the receiving end of a parcel of fabric for once! These lovely pieces came from a swap with fellow textile designer Kristen Doran. I love the texture of her basecloth and the way they were packaged up with a matching label and care instructions. Hmmm, inspiration!
Kristen Doran designs.
Thanks again Kristen :)
I'm a bit late in posting this but fellow craft blogger Shannon Lamden of Auntie Cookie has released her own range of hand printed fabric! Specs are the same as mine because it's printed at the same place, and they turned out great:
Oh Deers by Shannon Lamden
Cranes by Shannon Lamden
Both designs come in Cherry and Black. The Cranes are already sold out but you can still get the Deers from her Etsy shop here.
Meanwhile, after many lovely requests I've finally created a mailing list for fabric updates! I've also decided to be more formal about shop updates. Instead of putting the fabric up in my shop as soon as it arrives, i'll try to give at least a day's notice and will choose a specific time for the update. It's funny, I feel like a "real" etsy seller now, and find myself relating to those posts about getting dirty looks from disgruntled post office queues whilst I hold everyone up with all my parcels and customs forms.
Anyway you can go here to join the list, or just pop your email address into the field in the sidebar on the right.
Uh oh, I've been tagged again, this time by Helen and Jayson. I always feel weird doing this sort of thing, because I like to keep my blog about the work, rather than personal stuff. But anyway... the rules:
• Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
• Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog
- If I leave home without my lip-balm I get panicky.
- I can't sleep unless I'm lying on my left hand side.
- I didn't do art in highschool, and my folio was so bad I couldn't get into the multimedia design course at uni. So I just did the multimedia + media studies degree that didn't require a folio.
-I recently discovered that my great grandfather was a textile designer in the early 1900's. Haha!
- I really, really love cats, but have never had one. Our only pets growing up were gold fish, yabbies (which ate the fish) and an Axolotyl (Mexican Walking Fish) which we once found still alive on the floor when we got back from holidays.
- Fimo frustrates me. It has so much potential, but never ceases to look like Fimo. Maybe I should just embrace that ;)
- I'm off to see Varekai tonight - so excited!
Whos' up next? Sia, Nicole, Kathleen, Kristen, Shannon, Anna, Heather
For those who are interested, the shelves seem to be able to handle a fair amount of weight. Mr fishie here weighs about 300g and wasn't causing any trouble whilst sitting there.

I can't remember what weight paper I used - I think it was around 300gsm because that was all I had, but I reckon you can go a bit heavier. I've uploaded some PDF templates if anybody wants to try: narrow(80mm), medium(115mm), wide(150mm).
If there's one thing that really bothers me about living in a rental property, it's the fact that I don't have freedom with my walls. I'd love to make a feature wall with some gorgeous wallpaper, or be able to hang big pictures from Proper Hooks, or install shelves and things like that. Instead we've resorted to using 3M hooks for everything. I'm not sure what I'd do without them!
Anyway, the point of the story is that Pete's lovely mum Heather found me a bunch of wooden block type in an antique store in Queenscliffe - yay! I've been on the hunt for any sort of wooden/metal type for ages, and she's been keeping an eye out for me. I thought they'd look lovely on a series of little shelves on our wall, but we can't do that. So, here's my solution, and I think it looks ok:
How cute is that "," block!
A corner of my office.
Construction: they're each cut out from an A4 piece of paper (with a template printed on it) and stuck to the wall using long 3M adhesive strips - the extra ones that come with the hooks.
If anybody has any better suggestions for construction/materials/sticking to wall i'd love to hear them!
Meanwhile I can't believe the amount of publicity I've received in the blogosphere of late. Craft, Print & Pattern, Etsy... it's crazy! I'm feeling so much better about what I do for a living now. Patterns and fabric is still only a small component but it's something friends and family actually find interesting, and I love the fact that I can make something that other people can turn into wonderful things. On that note, I am collecting photos of things that people have made with the fabric and will turn it into a blog post, so feel free to email me pics if you like and i'll link to your shop :)