Monday, May 19, 2008

Local Love

I do love my suburb of North Melbourne, and as homage to that have included a little bit of local business linky love in my sidebar -->

But I do wonder why it almost always smells like dry dog food.

I guess it's the Lost Dogs Home, but that's over 1k away...


Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Ha! The town nearby smells like chocolate chip cookies that a local factory makes. Believe it or not, the smell does get old and not so wonderful after a time.

Anonymous said...

which means soon you will like the smell of dogfood!

Anonymous said...

I always thought that it was the Weston Milling Silos in North Melbourne that give it the smell.

Pollipop said...

We almost moved to North Melbourne during our last move, but the apartment we wanted was not 'ours'.

Now its time to house hunt again, and I'm keen on looking at some warehouse converted apartments in the area.

Mabbe we could be neighbours. lol.

Fer said...

If the wind is blowing the right way all of downtown Launceston smells of hops from the Boags brewery. It's an interesting smell to say the least.
