Some ideas however take a lot more commitment and confidence to pull them off. You have an idea you think might work, and subsequently spend days working on it, crossing your fingers that the final result will be as good as you picture in your head.
This is one of those designs, and I'm really happy with how it turned out:

New print - as yet Untitled
I spent hours and hours drawing detailed houses on large sheets of paper, with ensuing back pain and hand cramps:

Original sketches
If the print gets a good response, one thing I'm not sure of is what scale to print it at. I was thinking quite large, with each house about 15cm tall or more. Any thoughts?
this is great - i'd probably go for smaller houses, but you could try out both big and small designs - they would probably work well when used together - i'm thinking pillows/bedding etc.
also, just a question for you - do you gocco your initial designs onto fabric as a test sample before you send them off to be printed?
The idea for bigger scale houses sounds great, but as a patchworker I'd worry about not being able to use such superb fabric for, say 25 cm squares. And I'd hate to cut up such a beautiful large print for fear of missing bits of the image!
Having said that, in the bigger scale this would be perfect for a tote or cushions. So how's that for an opinion! I'm in two minds!
PS I absolutely love the print. Houses + trees + bikes = dreamy print in my books!
I think this is gorgeous. I love everything about it. I have no idea what to tell you about scale. I can see how I would like it both ways!
So pretty! I like the idea of a larger print, small scale is nice too but I think you would miss the detail then.
Oh and I love the tram picture, so beautifully Melbourne!!
I like the idea of the houses being about 10-15 cm in height, not too big. I love the design, beautiful linework!
Beautiful..and so detailed. Have just been looking at pics of Walhalla (Vic) and then at your new sort of looks a little bit like a ghost town...very winter-y.
I'd go for about 10cm....(that's how big my swirls are to give you an indication)
Fantastic! Your hard work certainly paid off. Just wonderful.
As for scale, I'd prefer something larger. I think this would make fabulous wallpaper.
I love the houses, especially in orange. I add my voice to the chorus of people saying go large and small, two different prints.
The tram is great as well.
Lara - you new design looks great - I can just see it on some really large sofa pillows. I think large house would be good so that you can see the detail that you have drawn in.
Just love your work. The houses are awesome. As for the scale--I'd prefer smaller.
It turned out beautifully!I immediately saw it on huge cushions, so... I'd say large.
Sooooo good!! I agree with Bianca - I think 10cm would look good and could easily adapt to different types of projects.
In both large and smaller scale it would be adaptable to more projects. I just love the houses.
I personally would like a smaller print. Maybe with the houses around 6 to 8 cm. But I'd love it either way- it's very, very cute!
I love it...I love everything you do! It's really fun & I like it in orange! I think larger is better with this print...
I love the village. The detail is wonderful. In my opinion, a REALLY large scale would be challenging to use. But you want to show the detail....10 CM houses would be great. Lovely work as usual! I want some!
love your house designs!
and i am in the mid-size camp - something around the 8 - 10cm size per house as this could then easily be used as a feature pocket, panel, etc. :)
[love the orange, btw]
Small for me because I love to use your fabric for kids clothes.
check out these patterns...
Great intricate design - I'd go big to show the details...
Love the new gingko colourway too :-)
Love it, love it. Can't wait to see it printed up. Personally I'd prefer it not too large, around 10cm max. You don't want it tiny, but I'd be happier with space around and more. I'm already looking forward to making something with it.
just beautiful. I'm totally in love with it and can't wait to see it up in your shop. I'd love to use it on kids clothes too so i'm going to say mid size (8-10cm)
Like lots of people have already mentioned, i like the idea of 15com houses for bedding, pillows etc, but i also know myself and i will probably only use it for clothing (which would be awesome!!!!!!) so a bit smaller is my love love it though
It's lovely - I really love the bike leaning against the tree!. Some large panels would be nice but overall, I agree with the others who have said that having the houses smaller would mean the fabric could be used for more things (quilts, kid's clothes etc).
That is a very lovely print! I like the idea of a large scale- I agree with Cicada Studio who said that it would be great for a wallpaper (uh-oh.. that could be next!?!)
I think it looks great and feel that a larger scale would be good as it might be a bit fussy and loose some of it's lightness if the scale was smaller. Cutting small segments of the larger print for a quilt would be interesting anyway with a window here and a door there.
15 cm sounds about right. just the right size. good for small or big projects. gosh, trying to make the houses in a running pattern must've been difficult to figure out. (sometimes i still wonder about the print with the trees and animals you did and how that was created as a running pattern).
great job! the extra work and detailing shows. :)
can't wait for this fabric!
Amazing! I love it.
True artistry! I think a larger scale would be best to give your painstaking detail its due-attention....
I'd like the houses very small. Like, 5cm high. I make small things though, that's why.
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