Thursday, March 18, 2010

The last few weeks in review

It's been quiet over on this here blog but not so quiet in my real world. Lots going on! Printing printing over at I&S, and most excitingly working on our new collection! That's right, a collection! Not new designs but a new suite of colourways that go together which we've been making into cushions and lamps and a quilt so we can do a photo shoot! Hoping to launch the range early next week!

And aside from work I've been filling up my weeks and weekends with beach-house trips with my folks, Muay Thai classes and going back to my old dancing class, which has been fun! Doing more active stuff now than I ever have, and definitely feeling the endorphins from doing so. Reckon this is the happiest I've been in a LONG time.

The only downer over the last few weeks was the rain damage our building suffered in the recent storm. All four floors of our building were raining inside, and lots of people lost a lot of stock and equipment. We got off relatively lightly but had a lot of cleanup to do. Still, it hasn't affected our love of our building and all the people in it.

And on that note I have to share this cute 'Ginkgo' video that Yong our next door neighbour made the other day! Isn't he sweet?


Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

It all sounds exciting! Can't wait to see your collection unveiled. And bravo for the fabulous video- how special.

*I hear ya on the water damage... glad you have silver linings.

Fer said...

The video is brilliant! Can't wait to see the new collection too. :)

yardage girl said...

Totally coolio vid - really! Looking forward to seeing your new collection - you should have a party! Nic x

Rossie said...

I love the video! Every fabric should have it's own video. And there could be a tv station that was all fabric all the time.

Anonymous said...

Awesome video... Bella is such a beautiful girl too and the tattoo looks amazing it in..

Belinda said...

That is so cool! What a brilliant advertisement.

Marie-Noƫlle said...

Absolutely fantastic vid

Alex Louisa said...

Great video! Especially the end :)

How heart-breaking about the water damage for everyone. I've been there so I know what it's like! Glad you guys got through ok.

Looking forward to seeing the new collection. Oh, I need to learn how to sew!!

nikkishell said...

Oh what a cool video!

Juicy Roo said...

How awesome does your tat look at the end? Nice one.

Danielle said...

Hey hey Bella girl! (pats and tummy rubs and a game of chase round the print table)

boatx2 said...

that was seriously the best video promo ever.
It should be mandatory for all professional screen-printers to come with one some awesome. ^_^