Sunday, September 09, 2007

New arrivals

Hey actually, I'm not going to leave you any time for guessing, because they're done already...

Fabric mix packs! And they're up in the shop right now OMG!!!1!1!

I've been planning to do this for aages and finally got around to it. Apart from a few odd sized scraps, almost all of my stash has gone into making these packs. And you know what that means - they're super-duper-limited-edition-once-only-never-to-be-seen-again! Hehehe. Well actually that's pretty much true - I don't plan to reprint some of these designs ever again, at least not in those colours, so this might be someone's last chance to pick up something they've wanted but missed.

There's only 9 of them and they're all different. So head on over to le shop if you're interested :)


Jennifer said...

I am toooooo slow.

Danielle said...

all gone. :(

Marta Mourão said...

They´re beautifull! Congratulations! I love your work.

Hyena In Petticoats said...

Booooooo Hooooo!
I missed out as well....

Anonymous said...

What? They're already gone?? I suppose I should have stayed up a little later... (I'm in Boston). You'll have to put up more and give us a heads up!

flanthrower said...

OMG! They're already gone?? I hope you put some more out in the shop soon.

Anna said...

Now my question is.. where on earth did you find that mini-vault beside your fabric packs?? It is so cute. Ahhh gymnastics! takes me back a bit...

Anonymous said...

Darn -- missed them. But I love the idea! Hope you do more in the future!

Sherry said...

Oohhhh! I love that red leaf type print and the blue and white one underneath! Lovely!

dutchcomfort said...

I missed out again...

MissK said...

OOh they're beautiful,you walk away for a minute and you completely miss it all!