I've had a really sleepy and dream like weekend, and just felt inspired to draw. Of course, my illustrations are nowhere near as lovely as the ones in the book, so I feel like writing a big wad of text here to separate the one above from the ones below...

Drawing has never been my forte, and I have yet to really find my style, but I'm slowly getting there. I think I think too much when I draw, and have trouble turning off that logic side of my brain. I think thats why I like textile design - it requires a good mix of creative and logical/technical thinking...
P.S. - I can't believe this is my 100th post! 100 posts of yakking on about myself. Hah.
But they are GREAT ! I love them ..
I really LOVE the 2nd one, it's very serene...
Lovely drawings. She has a sweet face.
Please keep on yakking and drawing, I love it!
The drawings are beautiful.
I like your drawings too! And I see you cunningly included a pattern in there as well.
ps: Thanks for all the comments you've left on my blog lately.
That book looks wonderful - I'm going to hunt it down.
I love the colours in your drawings, and their simplicity.
oooh, so pretty.
the colours work beautifully together.
I love Shaun Tan books. his work is so detailed and surreal. I think we have The Lost Thing.
Congratulations on the 100th post!
Your drawings remind me of work that a friend did when I was at uni- except her girls looked like miniture Meg Whites! They are quite feminine, which is lovely (and yes I spotted the textile print too!)
waah! where are my 5 things?
just being bratty, i love those illusrations though. the way you incorporate pattern design into your drawings is great!
Wow, what wonderful feedback. Thanks for the encouragement everyone.
Stereoette - hehe, I thought you might say that! I've got about 3 things downpat, just have to think of another 2 :) I wanna come up with interesting ones :)
I love the red tree! The rabbits and the lost thing are favourites of mine too!
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