String of circles
Following on the same tack as my last post, sometimes when there's no space for spare thoughts, no room in my head to create... random ideas just pop into my head completely out of nowhere. Right as I woke up a week or so ago I suddenly had a picture in my head - a garland out of random sizes circles using only our saffron coloured fabric.
Cutting circles on the floor at home
So I grabbed some fabric from the studio, ironed stiff interfacing onto the back, took the pieces home and traced circles from assorted round objects.
My string of circles hanging in the studio
Then it was simply a matter of cutting out the circled with some pinking shears. I use the term simply lightly 'cause damn those shears can be hard work and the stiff interfacing didn't help. I ended up with some nice purple dents on the fingers of my right hand. I came back to tackle the rest the next day.
My string of circles hanging in the studio
Then it was just a matter of cutting some slits and threading the circles onto some herringbone tape. I like the fact that they can be moved around and repositioned. And no sewing machine was required!
Ha! We must have both been inspired by the same thing - I made something very similar some time ago ( like your colours better though.
Love that you didn't sew. How easy, lovely fabric too.
Wow, what a great idea. Maybe i'll do something like that when I (finally) find a new flat.
No sewing! My kind of project... :)
They look great Lara!
they look awesome.. can make it for my friend's hen night party! thanks!
So lovely!
that is gold! (te he)
hi there lady! just thought i would say hi. we met at the bowerbird, i was the one who bought the baby blanket when i probably should'nt have. (i don't even have a baby!!) anyways, just been back trawling through your blog and wanted to tell you that i think you are amazing. such a talented little muffin! seriously though, you are such an inspiration. building your business up from scratch and now look at you! lovely to meet you, would love to come and see your studio some time. do you run any classes? i always loved screen printing, did some at uni and a short course at olive grove. anyways...kudos to you! x
Love the colors, the simplicity and the look of it all.. You spoke my language-- No sewing required!
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