And... I turned 28!
I always find birthdays a bit difficult. A lot of self imposed pressure to make the day feel suitably 'special' whilst at the same time being unable to enjoy any celebrations I might organize for worrying that everyone's having a good time. So I made an effort to acknowledge these anxieties and do things that felt good and relaxing. And it was. Yay. Plus Pete took me out to dinner to Gingerboy and Oh My God it was amazing. I highly recommend.
But the best part by far was the most exciting present ever, my new sewing machine!!
My new Janome DC3018 - Birthday/Christmas present from my entire family
When I say 'new' I should really say 'first' because I've never actually owned a machine before. I used to borrow mum's old Elna Zig Zag, and then Nana's old Elna Lotus, both good solid machines but also a bit limiting and getting on in their years. So thanks to all your advice I ended up getting the Janome DC3018. And so far, so good!
I've already started making some things, which I'll post shortly!
Happy Birthday!
I got a sewing machine for my Birthday this year too!
Happy birthday fellow 28 yr old... I know what you mean about them. Nowadays I seem to get more excited when people think I'm 22/23 instead of closer to 30! woo.
But isn't it great being older as that means wiser and not so wound up with petty little things!
PS - sewing machine presser is awesome xo
err- "present" I mean :P
OMG... We have almost the same machine. Mine is still in the box. Early Christmas and birthday present. So happy!!
Happy Birthday Lara!!!
Such a sweet present :)
Coolio! I just upgraded my Mum's Elna Contessa to a lovely Janome :-)
Happy sewing!
hi lara! happy birthday - i'm approaching the 28 mark soon too. in about a month actually. do i feel wiser? not really! :P great sewing machine, have fun with it!
Ah, there it is. Glad you like it. I still love my DC3018 9 months later, although I did smash a needle in it the other day, lost it behind the bobbin and can't get it out. Oh well...still sews fine. Enjoy, and happy birthday!
I got the exactly the same sewing machine for my birthday!!! Enjoy
Great sewing machine! Funny how I need to check your blog to see what we got you :)
saat forex zayıflama hapları gizli kamera
With you on the birthday sentiments! And mine is New Year's Eve, which means either a ton of pressure to hold a big party, or no one spends my birthday with me. Neither is a great choice. ;) Ah, well.
I've been catching up on your blog, and looking back through some old posts. Really enjoying it!
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