I'm planning to stock my shop up with some mix packs sooon, but meanwhile, FINALLY, here are some kits for my 'Aiko' tote bag design - maybe for that crafty person in your life?

Aiko Tote kit - plum acacia

Aiko Tote kit - chocolate birch
The kits are packed with heaps of stuff. Large chunks of fabric, interfacing, a magnetic catch, instruction booklet and full scale pattern pieces. Everything you need, basically. And not that hard to follow with all my pretty diagrams in there.

Hope your December is starting to wind down a bit. Happy Summer, too!
Those bags are gorgeous - I absolutley love the chocolate birch one!
Oh no, all Christmas activity is being done in snatched minutes and moments. I am working through the silly season, so am feeling a great deal of pressure to bring it all together.
I just love the Chocolate Birch one! I'll have to browse your shop.
What a great bag - love both of them. I agree about all the Xmas stuff - especially the people who have lots of photos of completed crafts. I'm all "what, you're not going to be finishing up on Christmas Eve like me?" I just assume they've kidnapped some elves or something.
Nice tote... I too have bought one for me through eBags.
I love the chocolate one! I'm trying not to let Christmas get too stressful this year - I just want to enjoy the time off and relax!
Hey Lara, I'm loving all the new natural colour combinations. Also your new graphics on your header and packaging! You have been busy :)
salve io son alessandra, oggi ho visitato per la prima volte il tuo sito e son rimasta a bocca aperta per la bellezza delle stoffe che fate, i disegni son molto belli, qui nella mia isoletta(sardegna/italy) nn ho mai visto nulla di simile... ti faccio tanti complimenti, e vorrei pure chiedere se vendete i dei libri piccoli fatti dagli avanzi della stoffa, sai sarei interessata... aspetto tue informazioni
ciao ale
I love that bag design. I'm saving my pennies for a kit for me.
Love the Chocolate birch fabric. And the totes look good too.
Totally agree with you about getting ahead with the Christmassy stuff. I've finally got around to making some ornaments, but will there be time to list them on Etsy? No way, Jose! Next year maybe.
Love the kits - brilliant idea.
Hope December winds down most pleasantly from now on for you.
how awesome... I love the name... aiko tote bag... It's so close to my middle name.. Akiyo!
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