Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quilt in progress

Aww you guys were all very sweet with your nice words about my simple quilt! As a result I was very inspired to keep on working on it today (sometimes when I should have been working). I got the whole top finished - yay!

Jenaveve asked if I could show some work-in-progress shots, so here they are:

Sewing together strips of squares. See the tiny, featherweight old machine I work on every day? I'm not sure how it will handle the quilting part but I reckon it sends a good message to the "oh but my tools aren't good enough!" style procrastinators out there ;)

Strips of squares laid out on the couch

Strips of squares after ironing the seams flat

Sewing the strips together - the squares actually lined up! Mostly...

Back of the quilt-top, seams ironed flat. I actually really like the colours here - all shades of natural/cream linen with bits of colour in between :)

Yay quilt top finished!

Experimenting with different backing and binding options...

Another option (hello... is that new fabric??? More on that tomorrow!)

And that's all so far! Don't be surprised if I totally run out of steam and there's no more updates for a few weeks ;)


Nikki said...

Love the quilt, the fabric prints... AND YOU HAVE AN ELNA LOTUS?!!!! I'm impressed! (...and such a geek!). I love those little machines.

Thanks for the tips on photos on my blog.

Bloom said...

Lara, this quilt is just so so lovely! Your fabrics are making up beautifully as a quilt. Very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lara!
My first comment here :)
This makes me want to learn to sew! love your quilt. And the colours - they're my favourite.
I think I have the same sewing machine - a hand me down from mum - I might have to dig it out - you have me inspired!! You have to start somewhere, right?

CurlyPops said...

Great wip shots....it's actually fascinating to see how it all comes together from start to finish.
I love the way all of your fabrics look like they belong together in the quilt top.

Bianca said...

hehe cool...feel like finishing mine? I got as far as you...now it's lying around, waiting for me to put the backing & binding on.... :( I'm so slack

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

OK, I'm officially inspired. I might have to give it a go. This is stunning! I'm probably most afraid I'll get to this point and never finish. This is where grandmas and great- aunts come to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

Hi again :) That was quick!

Yep, I will have to get that little machine serviced. The one time I tried it out the foot pedal thing (don't know what it's called!) was, well - unresponsive...

And thanks for your comment too :)

That gocco print is just printed on some little bits of board - about coaster size - the same board I use as art boards. I love the curved edges. They look better now too because I've inked the edges black. I'm going to post a few more pics tomorrow just for fun (and since I haven't got any artwork done and need to post SOMETHING!)

It's my first gocco print, but I can't wait to try some more. I have just got a new couch and I think it is calling for cushions!

I will have to check in tomorrow to hear more about this gorgeous houses print, now that I've found your blog!


Jan said...

Must be exhilarating to see it coming together! House fabric!!!! Yay.

Jodie said...

OMG - Do not run out of steam until you let us get our little hands on that HOUSE fabric ...oh I mean ...please????

Ali said...

I have the same sewing machine. But mine will not quilt - it's hand quilting only round these parts!

Flotsam & Jetsam said...

Love the quilt your prints are really special too - it will look fantastic when its finished.

I wonder how long it has taken you to make?

I used to be one half of Perry & Fowles fabric printers based in Sydney and have a good lampshade manufacturer in Sydney in you want the contact.
Just email me and I will send it to you.

Really like yr blog btw

Anonymous said...

The quilt is really stunning Lara - the colours are fabulous. And that new house fabric is looking awesome . . .

Stephanie said...

It looks great! I really like the raindrops for the backing.

Amy said...

hahaha...I love you last statement! That is totally me! Looks great so far...good luck finishing!

Heather Moore said...

You clever thing! That is really lovely. I've made a rather hack-handed "quilt", posted on my blog today. I feel rather ashamed at my poor attempt after seeing your exacting approach!

paperseed said...

Nicely done!

eshu said...

kudos to you! the design is, obviously, gorgeous. can't wait to see the finished product!

Anonymous said...


Wendy said...

Lara, it's seriously so beautiful.. your fabrics come together so nicely. And I agree, the back looks really neat with the bits of color peeking out :)

Concha said...

FANTASTIC quilt!! I'm planning to start my very own 1st quilt in a few days and now I feel so inspired! I'm going to sew squares as well. And your fabrics, they work so well together!

Sharonnz said...

Look how fast you're getting that done! How?!? Oooooooh...liking that backing fabric.

Michelle said...

I adore your quilt. So beautiful, and so well made! And I'm very happy you have a little Lotus too. I have one as well, but I've never sewn with it. I think it needs a really good service first!

Anonymous said...

wow, speedy! i'm so impressed.

Anonymous said...

love your colours together. truly divine.

Anonymous said...

Blushing, my macho seiko stops tensing it's walking-foot muscles...

Anonymous said...

great progress shots! your quilting adventures are making me feel like i can do it too!
my biggest fear is cutting out lots of even shapes. it's something i struggle with at the best of times! did you use any specific quilting tools or are you just a careful measurer?

flanthrower said...

Gorgeous quilt!

Lara said...

Hehe, thanks so much everyone!!

To cut the pieces I used a large cutting mat with 1" squares on it and one of those transparent sheet rulers that also has 1" squares on it, and a cutting wheel. Easiest way ever to cut straight edges and right angles as you can line the squares on the ruler up with the squares on the mat, and align the fabric to the grid too - easy :)

Fer said...

Oooo, new fabric? Show us more, show us more!!

It's going to be a wonderful quilt. :o)

Cindy said...

The quilt is a stunner, I sew but mainly clothing though I am feeling a little inspired. Thanks for the sticky beak.

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt, thanks for sharing your process. The colors all look great together.

Ulla said...

Your quilt looks so elegant with all the fabrics that seem to belong together. Hope your quilting will work out fine, it takes a lot of rolling up the extra width!

Jenaveve said...

Thanks so much for the wip photos! It's great to see it all come together like that. And I agree - the back of the quilt top looks kind of interesting with all the muted tones and the colored seams in between.

Hard to choose between those two backing fabrics... they both go so well.

Seeing it all step by step might just be the kick I needed to give it a go.

Sonya said...

Love the quilt. Next project - cushions and lampshad for Mum

Anonymous said...

Gosh... I've always admired your designs (all the way from the USA)... I live in a Victorian and especially appreciate your lovely sketches. You're in Australia? Never been there... are you looking for a college-aged intern for the summer?!

- Becca

Lou said...

Are you considering putting together a kit for the quilt?

Hi! I'm Wendi! said...

Lovely quilt and fabulous blog! I found you via Skinny laMinx and now you're on my daily read list.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE it! So gorgeous!

Anonymous said...


kelly said...

Found you via Whip up. Just had to stop by and add my compliments to the many above -- this quilt is beautiful. Lovely, lovely work!

Lara said...

Thank you everyone for your lovely words!! I'll try to get it finished in the not too distant future :)

Becca - I'm just a small one man band at the moment, but maybe one day!

Lou - I've been thinking about making kits. I might start with small baby quilt kits and build up from there :)

summer pickles said...

Wow, love love love this - your fabrics are gorgeous of course, butcombined as a quilt - oh my! Just lovely! (and you made it look so easy...)

L said...

Oh my goodness someone has the same sewing machine as me! It's such a great little machine - though mine has been in the shop for a month and I can't get parts for it :(

Beautiful prints too by the way - I've just moved away from Melbourne but I wish I'd discovered you sooner!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. I'm in love with these fabrics! I live in a pretty small college Texas town and do NOT have fabric options like these to work with. Are these fabrics available for purchase? I would be very interested in seeing more!