Monday, March 17, 2008

Moo in London!

Oops, quite a long time between posts! I've been spending most of my free time in the evenings/mornings organising our last week trip, which is FINALLY sorted! 6 nights in Barcelona, 2 nights in Paris! The flights were expensive, but a couple of friends are going to be travelling with us which helps ease the cost of eveything else (and will make it much more fun). Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, they were great :)

Meanwhile, I've been keeping myself busy with lots of sight seeing, window shopping, walking, tube catching, bus catching and best of all, catching up with Moo for lunch!

It was so good to meet some of the Moo team in person and they were as lovely as I expected! They took me out for a yummy lunch, and showed me around their office and production area:

Bunches of mini cards all stacked and sorted

Colourful mini card boxes ready to be sent to loving homes

Other highlights have been catching up with Paola for afternoon tea and shopping, sampling some of the yummiest cheese ever at the Borough Market (and doing a complete 180 to go back and buy some), and looking at antiques/bric-a-brac at the markets.

Best cheese ever, by the Borough Cheese Company

A WHOLE STALL (at the Portobello market) dedicated to typecases, wooden type and wooden type artwork! Fantastic!

A little vintage fold out wooden ruler I bought when I stumbled across the gorgeous Camden Passage (quite by accident). I've always wanted one of these.


Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I'd love to see the Moo operation- what fun!

Danielle said...

Awesome! Sounds like you're having a great time :-)
Must have been really cool to see Moo! And love the stall of typecases & wooden type...

Barcelona & Paris sound pretty exciting too!

Anonymous said...

Did you find Camden Passage on the way back from Loop by any chance? Because I did, what a pleasent find.


Kaija said...

Barcelona and Paris beat Turku anytime! I hope you have a perfect vacation!

I'm so glad you ended up going to Portobello Market. It's a magical place!

Unknown said...

It sounds great. I went to Camden when I was a dorky exchange student, but it was 10 years ago! The Moo pics are also really cool.

Have fun in Barcelona and Paris as well!

acoustitch said...

Barcelona - good choice! DO NOT miss Gaudi's Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell. Also the 'Bar Boqueria' in the market off La Rambla - for beer and market produce cooked while you wait. How exciting - I'm so jealous!x

fi said...

oh that reminds me time to order some more moo! your trip sounds fantastic, and those!

Anonymous said...

Oh you know I would have gone nuts over the wooden type!!!

Anonymous said...

Barcelona is a great place.
If you want to find a great place to discover handmade good shops or little bars, little terrazes to have a beer without many people and nearly without tourists, don´t loose "El barrio de Gracia". Ask for it!
And to have a drink and shopping "El Born".
My suggestion, Visit "Boqueria Market" it is great.

6 days in can hide a bike and discover the city in organized tours. Ask in any tourism information center.

Have a great time, and if you want more details, look at

And if weather is quite well, take a train and go to the beach. To sitges, to calella, or any other little tourist beach villages.

Have a great time


Leslie said...

oooh what a wonderful trip you have planned...exciting! Barcelona is fabulous and Paris well what can you say! enjoy.

Interesting to see Moo aswell...all the piles of little cards remind me I need to do that one of these days. Also the typecases and type it. Didn't know that exisited in London...may have to try and find them when I am home next time.

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Anonymous said...

Seems you´re having a lot of fun! I would love to visit the Moo office!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a wonderful trip - fun to see the behind the scenes Moo.

Amy Nieto said...

moo cards and wooden type, what more can a girl want. Have fun, miss!

Bianca said...

Have fun missy, soak up all the european goodness...but leave some for me please ;)

too bad you can't take all that wood into Oz otherwise I'd have asked you to bring me some typecases ;)

See you when you get back from your adventures

Anonymous said...

it looks like you are having such fun..and all rugged up too. I'm off to Europe next week, and starting to get excited. can't wait to do the markets.

Miss Cinti - my poppet said...

have fun and eat lots of yummy tapas in barcelona.
this is cool

Caylie said...

well I think I could die happy if someone "accidentally" left me at that market...

Anonymous said...

beautiful blog!...and lovely work. I can't believe I haven't been here yet...your blog...not London.

: )

Leah said...

have fun in barcelona, i LOVE your photos and your artwork. Thanks for sharing.

boobooskins said...

How come I live so close to London and don't take advantage of these lovely places on my doorstep? Note to self: visit Portobello market

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the Moo factory...maybe my cards were boxed up in the photo...I recently ordered mine!

Anonymous said...

I just ordered my moo mini cards, looking forward to receiving them!! :)

Anonymous said...

How fun to meet the Moo gals. It's nice to be able to see the inside pics. Makes it all the more personal

And that typecase stall...what a dream!

zeliaevora said...

I love those rulers!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Barcelona and Paris sounds wonderful, and the visit to Moo office - fabulous! Great things spotted on your travels, must travel to London soon.