Thursday, May 15, 2008

red and green things

I've still been in a bit of a funk this week. Not my usual chirpy self, instead being emotional and swearing at things. My design work is coming along nicely though so maybe it fits with that old adage about artists doing their best work when they're feeling down ;)

In lighter news, here's some red and green things that are making me happy:

Some freshly potted herbs and Cyclamen for the balcony. I always love that european red-flowers-in-planter-box thing, and these Cyclamen weren't too expensive and apparently love the cold. Perfect!

A gorgeous handbound book sent to me by Nicole of Freshly Blended. Sooo cute, and so well made! It's related to a little collaboration we've got in the works :)


... a new shoulderbag from Mattt! This one features the limited edition ginkgo print on natural hemp canvas. It was a custom job for Mattt, which is why I had a bit of the print on cream available last week. He also has this print in Pumpkin, and you buy them online here.

I've got more Ginkgo on the way actually, in another new colourway. Exciting :)


Kate Moore said...

I get the whole funk thing - funk as in flunk, for me, not as in funk-y. You seem to have been pumping work out though and I feel like I am dog paddling with my nose just barely managing to suck in air. I'm near sunk. Bring on the weekend.

Danielle said...

I seriously love that planter box - so gorgeous! (Where did you get it?)And the red cyclamen look perfect in there.

The Mattt bag looks great too - they gave them a mention and a little photo in the Craft Victoria -Craft Almanac email for May...

And can't wait to see more of the Freshly Blended collaboration!

Jo (sparkly green knickers) said...

Ok, drop what you are doing, and go outside! It is a gorgeous day in Melbourne today, go for a walk, sit outside a cafe for a while, read a book in the sun. This beautiful weather won't last, and it will get you out of this funk!

Tali said...

a bit of swearing cant hurt! hehe.. but i agree with sparkly above - a bit of sun does absolute wonders!

I wish i could grow herbs! The possums around my place just eat everything!! Even my succulents! :(

Fibo said...

I totally get the whole crap mood thing, I think it's hanging around in the air at the moment. I love the handbound book in your fabric, it looks fantastic, sign me up for one if they make more!

AMM blog said...

Yeah I'm excited too!!

lily, rosemary and the jack of hearts said...

those flowers are delightful- I also have a thing for red flowers in planter boxes. :)

Annie said...

I love cyclamens too. I hope you are feeling better soon. There must be something in the air.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous planter box with the delightful red cyclamen. I adore those flowers.

Vero Navarro said...

I had cyclamens once, but our flat was too dark for the so the died.

I love them and now we have a very sunny flat maybe we try to grow them again again.

Thanks for the remembrance.

Ant that notebook is really wonderful!!!!