I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that one of my very favourite things in the world is getting packages in the mail. Especially surprise packages. It doesn't happen very often but this week was full of good things:

A length of 'kirin' (giraffe) trim that Pete's mum picked up for me and posted over (very sweet). My two letterpress pieces from Green Chair Press (Gosh they arrived quickly. And they're just as good as they look in the pictures!) And last but not least...

... Nicole's Freshly Blended business cards! They're letterpressed, with one of my patterns in the background - how cool! I've never seen anything of mine letterpressed before and she's done such a lovely job of the design. I like the way she's done two different card designs from the same plates. One with the pattern pale in the background of the text, and another with the pattern stronger, but on the reverse of the card. Very clever. They were printed by Shelley from French Press, who also did the card with the circles that you can (sort of) see above. Nice!
Hello! I like a lot your blog especially inventive patterns and lovely typography. Thanks for this webpage!
oooh - do I spot a birch forest on the right?
{still have a soft spot for My Little Town though}
the Green Chair Press prints look amazing and the kirin trim is cute!
Oh I like your inspiration wall (can I call it that?)! I like seeing how everyone moves their ideas about at home
How exciting, all those parcels in the post! It is so nice to get things that are not bills in the mail!!
Ok. You must stop. You must print designs I do not like, or better yet STOP PRINTING altogether. I am going bankrupt!! Can I already say put some aside for me, whichever ones you print? I just absolutely love the new designs.
Of course the mail was nice too, but hard to concentrate on after reading that new prints are imminent.
hey lara, thanks for the tip about winterwood! one day i will try it- i still have tons of felt hehe..
ah I like your new layout....not to say I didn't like the last one either. I LOVED IT TOO. You have such beautiful style! Im always checking your blog and admiring your designs.
Im still trying to figure out how to set a background/sides colour. Can you help...please???!!
I did the brushed effect with a wire brush and some "special" polish. My Dad rang me last night and told me he has a polishing machine....so I'm off to dads to play and learn some different finishes.
ok so I tried what you told me...and it changed my whole background to the colour...including behind my tables.....aaaghh!! I want to make my sides a creamy colour like the border of my header...maybe i need to change 2 places.
This is a bit off-topic, but I wrote about your moo cards on my personal blog @ http://victoriae.livejournal.com/189874.html
On another note, I'd love to do a short interview with you for a post on my professional blog @ http://victoria-e.com/ - interested?
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