I have been pretty slack lately when it comes to blog-community socialising. Barely keeping up to speed with all my feeds, not commenting as often as usual. Some lovely people have given me blog awards which I still need to pass on - eep, sorry!
Bianca and
Fi both tagged me a little while ago, so here goes:
1) I have trouble with left & right, and east & west. I've heard this is a sign of creativity though so I've learnt to love it ;)
2) I've discovered I have a tendency to cry for no particular reason on long plane flights. I'm sure there's many reasons why one would be crying on a plane (missing people, sad to go home etc) but none of those applied to me at the time.
3) I don't like purple. I can handle burgundy or plum, but not middle purple. And I know I'm
not the only one - many people seem to have issues with purple it seems.
4) Come to think of it, I don't really like any pure middle colours. Middle green, middle blue, middle yellow. Yellow-green is okay, as is blue-green, and green-blue, and orangey yellow.
5) I've just (finally) found out how to make invisible zips actually invisible!! Thanks to
this tute. So easy and so good - takes all the mess out of zipper sewing I reckon.
Okay that was all relatively easy and painless. I'll spare you all and not tag anyone else ;)
Here are the rules:
- Link to the person that tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share five non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
- Tag five random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
- Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website