Saturday, October 29, 2011

New developments...

New developments

So last time I posted here I wasn't feeling all too good. And things haven't really improved... they've somewhat taken a bad turn. I won't talk about it now, but maybe soon. I'm ok though. And I'm trying to stay positive.

I love this fern because it reminds me a little bit of bracken and hiking trips in the bush. This one is an Kiwi native called a Wheki and it's so rewarding watching the little koru unfurl. Especially when fuelled with some worm tea - my fern is literally going insane with growth right now. Me too, I hope.

x Lara.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Sitting, thinking, should be doing...

Sitting at my laptop. Doing a little freelance work. Watching this very inspiring video. Thinking about creativity, life, meaningfulness, inspiration, the importance of following your gut. Right now I feel at a loss, both creatively and fundamentally. But I don't know where to turn for inspiration or how to pull myself out of this rut. The studio is going great. I have a new design slowly progressing. But I don't feel fulfulled. I don't feel like I'm making the most of my days or doing enough things that are meaningful.

But... I'm sure I'll find my way.

On a lighter note and because it's in my field of vision right now, I thought I'd share a photo of this little porcelain origami bird. A gift from the lovely Gemma. Not sure where he came from but I love him and I love the little corner of my home in which he resides.

Perching ceramic origami parrot friend


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Birch decals!

Hey remember aaaages ago I did that limited edition collab with the lovely ladies from The Wall Sticker Company? And how I used to have that Birch wall sticker in my bedroom in my flat before I had to vacate and go live on the East side?

Well finally after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing the Birch decals are available for sale again! They've been simplified slightly so instead of having the trunk markings cut out to show the wall behind, they are now printed with a second colour that you can choose to either match your wall or printed darker as an accent! It was a change borne from practicality but I quite like how it looks with darker markings like a real birch tree.

Birch Decal in my bedroom from The Wall Sticker Company

Birch Decal with darker markings, available from The Wall Sticker Company

Hope you like!! x

I am 30

On Saturday 1st of October I turned 30.

Turning 30 is a bit like the first time you're riding on a tram that you hear a mother tell her child to "mind the lady" and you realize she's talking about you. But I'm just a girl! When did it become fitting to address me as a "lady"? And now, since when did I become a fully grown woman, student days far behind her, a full gamut of grown up responsibilities on her plate?

How I feel about turning 30 changes from day to day. Some days I feel completely fine about it, other times I struggle with the concept.

There are days when I feel immensely proud of all I have seen, done and achieved in my 30 years. But there are other days when those things seem meaningless and insignificant. How does one more organic cushion in the world help anyone? How can I make more of an impact, do something even more meaningful and significant with my life? What's next?

That all said, I do feel very lucky. Lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful, supportive people, and lucky to call Melbourne my home.
