Sunday, April 07, 2013

Returning to normal programming

What a tough couple of weeks! Dave's surgery went really well, thank god, and we're both so glad to be finally out the other side. In the last week in particular it feels like a fog has been lifted. Life feels like it's slowly returning to "normal" and we're able to do and think about things we haven't been able to for months. Simple, little things that previously I would have taken for granted; being able to go for walks, being able to cook and sit together eating the same food, being able to go out for dinner, being able to socialise. I feel so so so appreciative of each day that starts to resemble something more like regular life.

It's also been nice to be able to feel a little inspired and creative again, see the world through a different lens. Here's a little snapshot via Instagram...

Pincushion Hakea in bloom - we spent Easter down at Fairhaven with my folks and my brother's little family, which was really, really lovely. This Hakea grows just outside the front door.

The path down to Fairhaven beach is always littered with interesting things; dry bracken, acacia & bottlebrush pods ... I love all the textures.

Little bok choy! My planted seeds have all of a sudden started to sprout! I had a few false starts (mostly thanks to that crazy heat wave) but now I've got lots of little veggie seedlings on the way. I just need to figure out how to fend off whatever has been munching them; sometimes little holes, sometimes entire leaves will be missing. Hmmm...

It's also been great to get back into the routine of visiting the Ceres organic market on Saturday mornings. This weekend we treated ourselves to some of the best gluten free bread I've ever tasted and some amazing raw honey.

Thank you everyone who left really lovely comments and suggestions on my previous post - every one was very much appreciated! xx


Tara Kingsley-Bellamy said...

I am a student studying textile design in the UK. I am basing many of my designs this term around sustainability and think the natural nature of how you create your designs are wonderful. Well done on being so strong through your partners illness, I can image it would take its toll- 2012 was an awful year for myself and our family due to illnesses. Just wanted to say: You have inspired me this afternoon :) Take Care- Tara.

Grace said...

Hi Lara, I'm sorry to hear things have been difficult. We are very lucky to live in a country where such great health care is available when we need it. I hope things continue to get better. Love the pincushion Hakea by the way - I've been stalking them at my local nursery!