One word - Sigh. I don't have the energy to engage in an intellectual property debate but if you're feeling passionate about the below and want to engage in some good old fashioned comment box squabbling then feel free to do so at Apartment Therapy over

My Birch Forest design - original and Etsy rip-off
Big thanks to Jenny Butler at Apartment Therapy for the post though. I know she wasn't expecting such hearty comments but the sentiment was there and I'm all for raising awareness of rip-off merchants!
Huh!! The nerve!!!
95% of commenters on AT seem to just be obnoxious so I wouldn't worry about them. You know that yours was first and so does everyone who counts.
Too similar in my books. Hope it is not getting you down x
Unoriginal people suck - end of story. We all know you are the design goddess. I pity the fools!
OMG - I just read the comments. One word - BOOOOOOOO
Gosh - that sucks!!
Try not to worry about some of those comments over at AT.. those people don't understand how much work and consideration goes into a design and how annoying it would be to have someone come along and virtually trace it and sell it as their own.
I think your work is amazing xx
Jenny posted about a chair makeover I did earlier this year and I was a little worried about what the comments would be (all positive surprisingly) as AT commentors can be a little on the negative side. I wouldn't worry about them, at least it is bringing the issue to light.
ps. I made my first lampshade using your fab tutorial! It was really helpful, thanks.
Talking to some of those people at AT would beliek banging your head against a brick wall.
How rude!!!
I haven't read the comments yet (and by the sound of it, I don't really want to) but, heh, the photo says enough.
Shame on them, and that's what I told them too! We all know who designed it first ;) at least you have a true fan club!
Urghhh.. what a blatant rip-off and I agree... booooo to the copiers and booo to the commenters!
This really sucks Lara. I think you should contact Etsy. In addition, the AT commenters obviously don't depend on designing for a living. You can't fight ignorance.
This is happening all the time. It makes me sad.
Look at this video:
The comments on AT are unfortunate. I think if there had been close-up images of the design people would not be comparing it to general 'tree & bird' designs, but that was not really the point of the post! For people that are already familiar with your print, the copy is obvious, even at a small size. I would contact Etsy about at least pulling the store's listing. Sorry you are having to deal with this!
That makes me sad and mad. A shame really. There's plenty of creativity out there to share amongst everyone - and every company. And artists are friendly. Still, it's gotta hurt a little. Fascinating blog posted at the Apartment Therapy site: So may examples of copying & ripoffs, it's like designers are just lazy.
RUDE!!! Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the yucky people of the world get you down. Life's too short to let negative energy rob you of your creative spirit and passions.
I've reported the items to Etsy and let the seller know.
Many of the comments on the post are just stupid. Only people with no talent thinks it's okay to copy someone else or to say there is no original design any more.
I hope it gets sorted out soon. I've had online copyrighted material taken and got help from a lawyer for an apology and compensation. It took some persuasion from my friends as I just felt so distressed, that the perpetrators didn't think I would a) find out or b) do any thing about it.
Wow, some of those comments on AT... grrr! (I had to add my 2 bobs worth over there too!)
But hey, you know what they say, any publicity is good publicity... hopefully your sales will triple! :)
What's going on here, grrr, I have no words. And some the comments on Apartment Therapy...idiots! Double grrr :(
Lara - please don't let these comments get you down. I love your design and it is original, fresh and adds that something extra to all my craft projects.
nice blog
Urgh! I'm amazed by how many people over at AT seem to think blatant copying for profit is ok.
WE know who the real designer is :)
Stand tall!
Oh Lara! So sorry to hear about this. It's just awful awful awful!
It's so wrong to steal designs from small businesses. But I do have a pet peeve against wall decals. I like the idea of them but not that most are made in china for mere cents a piece and sold with mega huge markups. I hope one positive you can take from this is that your designs are so unique and amazing that they are worthy of being copied. Nobody steals work that is generic or outdated.
Lara, As a young artist/designer in Melbourne I've seen a lot of your work, and have been inspired by it. But being inspired by and copying something are two VERY different things, and although it is a fine line, that rip off is so blatant that is has crossed that invisible line (in my opinion). The thought that people take your (& others) design & intellectual property and blatantly sells it as their own is really upsetting!
Also the comments on AT were obnoxious.
And just have to say I LOVE your work!
sorry about this Lara
YIKES. While those comments on AT made me mad, one made me LAUGH i.e "is the rip off cheaper??" it just encompassed perfectly the intellect of what you're dealing with. The fact your birch design is so recognisable is testament to its originality. xo
this is terrible! I thought the wall sticker used in the design sponge home office makeover was way toooo similar to your work... its from the same Etsy rip-off company...grrr!
Lara, I couldn't believe my eyes when reading some of the comments left over at AT. No wonder we face such an uphill battle over copyright and intellectual property when attitudes like that seem to prevail. All I can say is keep spreading the word, awareness is 90% of the fight.
So sorry to hear about this Lara. I hope those comments don't affect your creativity and passion on making such beautiful projects.
Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
printed fabrics
Your designs are both ace & original!!
...& what a bunch of nasty, ill-informed people the majority of those AT commenters are. What must those people be like?
Ack, not sure what to say other than those comments over at AT were made by a bunch of idiots, who probably couldn't scrape together half a brain between them!
Don't you just love how some people give such passionate opinions about things that they know nothing about? Morons.... Anyway, thought I'd let you know that I was so engrossed in this post that I just burnt my 2 minute noodles. lol! Really.... how do you burn 2 minute noodles? :)
Seriously!!? I just read through those AT comments, they really are hideous, so sorry to see this happen to you. I've been following your blog since you started way back when and have admired your amazing progression and development in your career, what you have achieved really is amazing. Meh to those poo heads!
Oh, Gawd. I really wish I hadn't read those comments. Lara, you're so amazing, your design work is phenomenal, and anyone who a) has the gall to think otherwise, or b) agrees with me so thinks it's an ace idea to copy your IP and try to get away with it, needs their head flushed down the toilet post-haste. Ignore the ignorant and dismiss the lazy & immoral. x
Wow, some people are so rude. You would think they would at least look into your past work before making a stupid comment. I love your birch trees and always will.
Argh this makes me SO ANGRY! I've lost count of the number of times I've seen Australian designers ripped off now. Infuriating. Good news is that your design is WAY better. x
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